If you suffer from panic attacks, then you understand the sheer fear that you face at the moment of an attack. Feeling powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even if you despair that this constraint has become a part of you, take heart. You can learn to cope...
Panic Attacks
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9 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
A panic attack can feel terrifying. Those that suffer panic attacks often feel as if they’re going to die. While highly unpleasant, panic attacks are harmless. A panic attack is fear of fear, and is something your mind created. So, you also have the power to lessen...
6 Ways to Overcome Panic
Panic is an emotion that everyone has felt at one time or another. Feeling panic is normal, but if panic is taking over your daily life, it's time to take action to reduce it. Understanding what it is and what you can do about it can help immensely. Panic serves a...