9 Ways to Beat the Blues

Depression, Self Care, Stress Management

The blues might find you when you least expect it. It’s a normal part of life to feel down from time to time. But there’s no reason for you to continue feeling that way. You have the power within you to beat the blues! All you really need is the drive to get rid of them. The rest is all just a matter of how. 

Consider trying the following ways:

1. Avoid wallowing in your problems.

If there’s a specific thing that’s causing you to feel down, avoid dwelling on this issue. Take action to resolve the challenge. If this is too difficult at the present time, then concentrate on something else. Shift your mind over to something that makes you happy. 

2. Keep busy with things you enjoy.

If you have free time, why not fill it up with things you like? Go with the tried and true activities that you enjoy doing. Chances are that you’ll have a smile back on your face in no time. 

3. Seek out the company of others.

You may get the blues because you feel lonely. There’s probably somebody out there that you can spend some time with, even if it’s not one of your close friends. Come up with an activity that you both enjoy doing or just sit and chat. 

4. Pursue a new hobby.

Are you feeling blue because you’re bored? Start a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try. You might even embark on a new lifetime of enjoyment through this new activity. 

5. Take a class.

Pick a subject that you have an interest in and sign up. If you get yourself jazzed up about a new class, you’ll likely leave your blues behind in the process. 

6. Meet new people.

You can find new people to chat with everywhere. You can even do it without leaving your home by finding like-minded people online. Meeting a new friend that you connect well with will certainly improve your mood.

7. Start new adventures.

Try something new with your friends. If you prefer to be alone, you can always go on a solo adventure. Let your mind go wild with fun ideas. Your blues will dissipate as you begin planning an exciting new journey. 

8. Activate your muscles.

You can beat the blues just by becoming more active. Even taking a walk in the fresh air can improve your mood. Your blues mindset might tell you that you don’t feel like it or you’re too tired, but chances are that once you get moving, you’ll be glad that you went out of your way to get some exercise. 

9. Get in touch with your spiritual side.

Even if you’re not a religious person, you can contemplate the answers to life’s big questions. When you focus on the big picture, sometimes your own challenges don’t feel as large anymore. Try these strategies the next time the blues bring you down. Just one of these tips may be just the thing to help you turn that frown upside down!

Do you find that you experience something more serious than the blues? Ask how medical hypnotherapy can help with depression. Book a free consult call now!


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