Does Hypnosis Help with Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune, Hypnosis

Its no wonder why many ask the question of whether hypnosis can help with autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases, when considered all together, are becoming a growing health crisis. It is the eighth leading cause of death among women, shortening the average life expectancy by eight years.

Autoimmune is a wide subject. The major contributors of autoimmune disease is related to our social environment, our physical, emotional and mental being, and choice of lifestyle.

Clinical studies and Hypnosis Proof of Alleviating Autoimmune:

Hypnosis for autoimmune diseases is proving to be powerfully effective in alleviating symptoms and there is clinical evidence that hypnosis can alter the immune system response.

The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 38(2), 71-79 cites a study by Ruzya-Smith, where only hypnotized patients had significant alteration of immune response.

Also, the Journal of Psychiatric Research 36(3), 179-187 cites a study by Ford, E.A. That concluded that pleasant imagery was an effective intervention in reducing fibromyalgia pain during the 28 day study period.

Talk with hypnotist, Melanie McCool, C.Ht. to get natural help for your autoimmune condition, today!


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