If you suffer from compulsive avoidance, procrastination, or are stuck in the self-sabotage money blocks cycle, it can be difficult to understand what's holding you back. There may be plenty of demand for what you offer, but if you have what we might call feeling like...
Break the Procrastination Cycle
For all the procrastinators out there - you are NOT beyond repair! Procrastination is actually a stress response, and the more you procrastinate the harder it is to feel motivated. This is because every time you realize that you are keeping your foot on the...
Get Out of Your Own Way: Putting an End to Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage could be defined as deciding you want something and then making sure it doesn’t happen. Have you ever found yourself close to achieving a goal, only to throw it all away at the last moment? Did you look back later and kick yourself for being so foolish?...
The Subconscious Secret to Overcome Procrastination
Do you feel STUCK, year after year, with poor results in your career, relationships, or your health? Is procrastination holding you back? https://youtu.be/YBt7AbWPd-Y It’s time to FREE yourself of your struggles once and for all, by identifying and eliminating your...