Can Hypnosis for Anxiety Relieve Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Can Hypnosis for Anxiety Relieve Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

If you have experienced anxiety or panic, you may wonder if hypnosis for anxiety can help.  Before we answer that question, let’s look into the common symptoms of anxiety. Do you experience anxiety before a dental visit or when starting something new? Do you get...

I strive to be physically active – Affirmations

Because I endeavor to strengthen my health and provide for a long life, I do whatever I can to be more physically active.  Even on days that I feel tired, I find that performing physical activity, such as walking, jogging, exercising, or doing calisthenics, gives me...
I Believe that Everything Happens for a Reason – Affirmations

I Believe that Everything Happens for a Reason – Affirmations

Everything happens for a reason. My Creator has big plans for me, my life, and those who are in it. I have faith in his plan. I throw up my hands and surrender my fate to the destiny that has been put together for me according to my personal strengths and abilities. ...