I Stay Active with Exercise to Remain Healthy – Affirmations

Affirmations, Fitness, Self Care, Wellness

Staying physically strong is important to me. When I ponder my physical state, I realize the power I have to create and maintain the healthy body I want with exercise. I engage in an stay active lifestyle.

I ask myself each day what I can do to stay active and in good health. Taking part in physical activity is number one on my list. The more I move my body, the better chance I have to live a long, healthy life.

I participate in a wide variety of physical activities to keep me interested.

Some days, I yearn for the peace and serenity of doing yoga, walking outdoors, or using the treadmill. On other days, I partake in high-energy activities like spinning classes, aerobics, or weightlifting.

When the weather allows, I find joy in kayaking, bike riding, and jogging. As I exercise, I think of how my body is changing and getting stronger.

When I stay active, my physical and emotional selves are in sync. I am ensuring my body works the way I want it to.

Today, I take time for physical activities. My physical health is as important to me as my emotional well-being. Living a long, healthy life and staying active are my top priorities. I can create my dream life by doing all I can to stay healthy.

Self-Reflection Questions

  1. On an average day, how many minutes do I spend doing some type of physical activity?
  2. What are the physical exercises I enjoy most?
  3. What are my current fitness goals?
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