Why It May be Important to You to be Wealthy


Few topics elicit such a wide range of opinions as those who desire to be wealthy. It seems that we either pursue wealth with reckless abandon or downplay the importance of having money altogether. While money isn’t the only thing that matters, there are few substitutes for those areas of life where money excels. Wealth does have its advantages.

What are your current beliefs regarding money and wealth? Do you believe that money is the root of all evil? Do you desire to have great wealth? Do you respect those that have accumulated wealth? Have your beliefs regarding wealth affected your finances?

Consider these advantages to being wealthy:

  1. Solve challenges. The fact that other qualities like love, family, friendships, and spirituality are important doesn’t minimize the importance of wealth. Consider the many challenges that money solves quickly and easily.
  • Cracked windshield
  • Utility bills
  • Toothache
  • Hunger
  • Career change
  • Further education
  • Ripped pants
  • Your child wants to attend university
  • A desire to own a motorcycle

    2. Freedom. With a sufficient level of wealth, you can quit your job and spend your days doing what truly fulfills you. You can live anywhere you choose and do nearly anything you desire. Money and wealth increase the options available to you. How would you spend each day if you didn’t have to go to work?

    3. Security. Wealth provides security in different forms. It provides financial security against negative financial events, such as unexpected care repairs or medical bills. You can also better secure your home and care for your health. Money provides a safeguard in multiple ways.

    4. Elimination of undesirable tasks. If you loathe cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, shopping, doing your taxes, or even driving, you can hire someone else to do these for you.

    5. Help others. When you have more money than necessary to take care of your basic needs, you have the option of applying the excess to enhancing the lives of others. Giving money to charity is one way to accomplish this. You could also provide funds in a more direct manner to those in need, including friends and family.

    6. Take a break. Wealth gives you the option of calling a timeout and realigning yourself. Life can become a series of projects or adventures with a healthy break in-between. The option to literally work hard and play hard exists.

    There’s a difference between the typical idea of playing hard and the “playing hard” options available to the wealthy. There’s a difference between partying on the weekends after a long week at the office and spending a month in Hawaii learning to surf.

    7. Status. This goes beyond impressing the neighbors. The wealthy have advantages socially, politically, and when dealing with the legal system. There are many advantages, considerations, and niceties extended to the wealthy that are commonly unavailable to the average person.

It’s true that money doesn’t solve all of life’s hardships, but it does solve many challenges and provide a myriad of opportunities. The freedom that comes with wealth and the opportunity to help others are perhaps the most satisfying advantages.

If any of these advantages are included in your life goals, then being wealthy would make them possible. Seek further education in the mindset and skills that could bring you wealth and work on them each day. Consistent action toward your goals over time yields positive results!


Take control of your life and unlock the potential that lies within! Hypnotherapy can help you to break free from self-limiting beliefs and create lasting transformation. Embrace purposeful change - discover what is truly possible as you journey towards a better future.

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