I am spiritually, physically, and emotionally wealthy – Affirmations

Meditation, Wealth

I feel abundance all around me. It pervades my mind, body, and soul, bringing me infinite wealth. I am spiritually, physically, and emotionally wealthy. Spending time with my Creator fills my spirit with His goodness. I express my gratitude for my wealth of blessings every day in my prayers.

Physical wealth flows to me through my healthy habits. I eat nutritious foods and exercise every day. Just these two things relieve my stress, renew my energy, and strengthen my immune system to ward off disease. They keep me healthy and happy.

I buy healthy food at the grocery store and plan my meals so I can eat nutritiously. I even make my own “fast food.” I cook in large amounts, freezing the extra portions so I have healthy heat-and-eat meals ready at a moment’s notice.

Exercise is a priority in my life. Even on days when my schedule is full, I find ways to exercise. I take the stairs instead of the elevator; I actively play with my kids and pets; I park far away from my destination and walk. 

Emotionally, I am a fountain of optimism, confidence, and positivity. I use positive self-talk throughout my day and affirmations to replace negative thoughts with positive images and feelings.

I receive many benefits from my daily meditations. I visualize scenes of success, happiness, and joy. This, too, is a stress reliever and provides me with the inspiration and motivation to spur me forward with unlimited passion toward my goals.

Today, my goal is to share my wealth with others, turning their sadness into joy, their desperation into hope, and their darkness into light.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I spend time each day increasing my spiritual wealth?
  2. How can I add daily exercise to my schedule?
  3. What can I do to bring more positivity to my emotional mindset?



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