The stomach is one of the hardest parts of the body to flatten. Everyone wants perfect abs, but it takes work and commitment to get them. You can spend hours at the gym fighting to get flatter abs, but if your diet isn’t focused, then you’ll struggle to achieve the...
Lose Weight: 5 Benefits of Meal Repetition
Have you ever considered meal repetition eating the same type of meal each day? It makes meal planning and shopping easier and supports losing weight. Consider these benefits of eating the same healthy food each day: Lose Weight Save money, time, and temptation at the...
The Truth About Fasting And How To Do It Safely
Men and women have been fasting for thousands of years for spiritual and health reasons, and now many adults regard it as a weight-loss tool as well. You’ve probably seen headlines about celebrities drinking exotic fruit juices to prepare for movie roles, and heard...
Holiday Dieting Tips – How to Have Fun and Stay Healthy
The holidays are a special time for all, and you should take the time to indulge yourself. However, at the same time you should keep your health in mind because it's easy to be tempted into going overboard. It all starts with Halloween and all the extra treats that...
The Secret of Teaching Yourself to Crave Healthy Foods
Do you find it hard to choose to eat healthy foods? You aren't alone! A recent study found that less than 10% of Americans are eating enough vegetables. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 14% of Americans are consuming the...
How to Support a Friend Who’s Struggling with Weight Issues
It’s a good bet you’re close to someone who’s struggling with weight issues. One-third of adults in the United States are overweight. Your friends that are going through these difficulties may want to open up and talk about their weight challenges with you. Will you...
Tips to Stay Focused on Losing Weight
How to Stay Focused on Losing Weight What is the hardest thing you have ever tried to do? If you ask 100 people from all walks of life, I'd bet the majority would mention losing weight. Losing weight can be challenging because we all want to shed the extra pounds just...
Craving Junk Food? … A Sign of Stress! How to Stop Stress Eating.
Sweet, Salty, and Stressed-out Why do so many of us look for stress relief at the bottom of a bowl of ice cream or a bag of chips? Likely everyone has had greater sugar and salt cravings when they are overwhelmed and exhausted. Although this may be a sign of stress...