How to Cope With Panic Attacks

How to Cope With Panic Attacks

If you suffer from panic attacks, then you understand the sheer fear that you face at the moment of an attack. Feeling powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even if you despair that this constraint has become a part of you, take heart. You can learn to cope...
Ten Ways To Treat Job Stress Without Drugs

Ten Ways To Treat Job Stress Without Drugs

Many people use medications to treat their job stress and anxiety. However, there are ways you can lower it naturally. Learning these natural coping mechanisms and integrating them into your daily life can greatly alleviate the stress you feel at work. How you react...
Using Prayer and Meditation to Calm Anxiety

Using Prayer and Meditation to Calm Anxiety

If you feel anxious from time to time, that’s completely normal. When anxiety becomes overwhelming, you may be tempted to seek solace in prescription medication, alcohol, or drugs. Using prayer and meditation to calm anxiety is very potent. The good news is you...
A peaceful mind guides my steps – Affirmations

A peaceful mind guides my steps – Affirmations

A peaceful mind paves the path that lies before me. Everything becomes easier when I calm my thoughts. I try my best. I feel at ease when I know I am contributing as much as I can. Sometimes I succeed in the short run. Sometimes the outcomes fall short of what I hoped...