Does clutter or dirt around the house nag at you mentally, adding item after item to your to-do list? Have you ever noticed how much more at ease you feel? But for some individuals, the belief is that keeping neat clean home clean is not your main priority. The truth...
Can Changing Diet Lift Depression?
Not all antidepressants come in a pill. A new study suggests that food can dramatically enhance your mood and that changing diet can help lift and alleviate symptoms of depression. Researchers at Deakin University in Australia tested the theory on a group of...
The Neuroscience of Gratitude
Hebb’s Law states that “neurons that fire together wire together” which means that the neural pathways you are practicing more often are the ones that will remain dominant in your brain. When you activate the same thoughts, you fire up the same neural pathways or...
How Hypnotherapy Can Help Depression
A quarter of the US population will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year, with mixed anxiety and depression the most common mental disorder. Depression affects 16 million adults in the U.S. alone and an estimated 350 million people...
How to Ward Off Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression is a more common term for a condition named SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is a recurring depression that often occurs in the late fall and winter months. Contrary to common belief, you can successfully combat seasonal depression long...
Depression and Pain are Linked – How You Can Fight Back
Are you aware of the connection between physical pain and depression? It’s important to understand the link, and how it affects your body and mind. This understanding can help you with treatment and therapy. Learn More About This Dilemma Understand the cycle Health...