How to Avoid Burnout and Succeed in Business

How to Avoid Burnout and Succeed in Business

The past few years have been incredibly stressful for everyone, and small business owners have not been immune to this. In fact, a staggering 92 percent of small business owners have reported experiencing mental health issues during this time. The consequences of...

Overcome Entrepreneur Insomnia and Avoid Worsening Burnout

If you are an entrepreneur struggling with insomnia, you may wonder if you really can get better sleep with hypnosis? In my personal experience, and after working with more than 500 clinical hypnosis clients, I will tell you that hypnotic sleep is some of the deepest,...
Dealing with Stressful Work Environment

Dealing with Stressful Work Environment

Do you dread getting out of bed every day to go to work because your dealing with a stressful work environment?Many people find that it’s not so much their job that causes them stress, but the people and the environment. You may find that the people you work...