Money Blocks and How to Remove Them

Programmed for Prosperity

If you suffer from compulsive avoidance, procrastination, or are stuck in the self-sabotage money blocks cycle, it can be difficult to understand what’s holding you back. There may be plenty of demand for what you offer, but if you have what we might call feeling like a fraud syndrome you won’t be able to take action on the value you have to offer.

Masterclass reveals the subconscious secrets to remove invisible money blocks - Unlock the money in your mind

How to Manifest Your Dreams into Reality

Procrastination is the habit of rewarding ourselves now for work we intend to do in the future. Deep down, we know that this is not the way to be productive. We know the reward should be at the end of the project and not at the start. The trouble is, our brains think of our future selves as a different person for whom we are not responsible. Because of this, our nervous system does not provide the serotonin boost we need to actively pursue our goals.

Procrastination statistics show that 80% to 90% of college students procrastinate regularly. We carry this habit into our professional lives.  As many as a quarter of all working adults consider procrastination to be a defining personality trait. That is a key example of what we call money blocks, but it is far from the only one. If you believe procrastination is part of who you are, then not procrastinating will be seen as an attack on your very existence!

Money Blocks

A more common way to refer to what we call money blocks might be barriers to productivity. But if earning more is what you need to be doing, then productivity alone is not the problem. You might put off an activity that would earn more money by doing something that is productive but off-point. You might excuse yourself from making that important phone call and clean the kitchen instead. That way, we do a familiar yet productive activity to avoid a more challenging one.

The real problem might be a limiting belief that makes you reluctant to make that phone call. It could be a lack of confidence. It could be that you don’t believe the person has your best interests at heart. It could be any of several things. If we sorted out the limiting belief that’s holding you back in this situation, we still won’t stop other limiting beliefs from forming.

Masterclass reveals the subconscious secrets to remove invisible money blocks - Unlock the money in your mind

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

If our money block is a limiting belief, then we need to know how to identify it. Limiting beliefs come in different forms. They tend to adhere to categories. It could be a limiting belief about the world, other people, ourselves, or entitlement.

If you believe a limiting belief is holding you back, start by asking yourself what the “target” of that limiting belief is. First, recognize that a limiting belief is the problem. Then ask yourself, “Is my limiting belief about ____?”

  • The World
  • Other People
  • Myself
  • Entitlement

If you recognize the target of your limiting belief, ask yourself if the belief is accurate. If the belief is about other people, then instead of carrying forward with them, seek another business partner. If the limiting belief is incorrect you can move forward with a more open mind.

If your limiting belief is about entitlement, then the scope of your expectations of yourself and others might need some tweaking.

Imposter Syndrome Women

Another common limiting belief is called imposter syndrome. Women suffer from imposter syndrome more commonly than men. The feeling that you are not what you claim to be can be poison to your motivation. You need to examine the true scope of your capabilities and come to a rational conclusion about what you do. It can help to talk to others about the feeling. If it’s too strong, NLP or hypnosis may hold the key to unlocking it.

Chances are that you spotted something in this discussion that might be standing in the way of visualizing success and following through. Through NLP psychology, your subconscious money blocks can be broken down and swept away. You’ll be amazed at the sense of freedom and personal empowerment you can enjoy when the limiting beliefs that are holding you back are dissolved and eliminated.

To explore new and exciting opportunities to benefit from NLP, hypnosis, and even our upcoming Costa Rica Retreat, visit me here.

Join me on a journey of discovery into your true and full potential.

Masterclass reveals the subconscious secrets to remove invisible money blocks - Unlock the money in your mind


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