A peaceful mind paves the path that lies before me. Everything becomes easier when I calm my thoughts.
I try my best. I feel at ease when I know I am contributing as much as I can. Sometimes I succeed in the short run. Sometimes the outcomes fall short of what I hoped for, but I know that my efforts are still worthwhile.
I let go of my worries.
Anxiety makes me less productive. I focus on the positive side of things. If my car is making a funny noise, I wait to see what the mechanic has to say rather than imagining everything that could go wrong.
I take steps to manage daily stress. My days include time for meditation or exercise. I listen to soft music or get a massage.
I practice forgiveness.
When I pardon others, I take a weight off my own mind. I am happy to see my distant relatives instead of harping on a comment they made about my career at Thanksgiving dinner one year.
I trust in my abilities.
Thinking about how I handled difficult situations in the past reinforces my confidence. I know how to prepare for a blizzard or a tight deadline.
Mindfulness pervades my actions. I focus on the present moment. Choose not to dwell on the past or dread the future. I enjoy washing my hair or buying my groceries.
Today, I clear my mind. I make room for peaceful thoughts. They are an excellent companion.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How do I create peaceful feelings when I am under stress?
- How can I sustain a sense of calm for longer periods of time?
- What are some additional benefits of maintaining a peaceful mind?